Monthly Archives: April 2009

Don’t Drink Foo Foo Drinks, Don’t be Fooled by Foo Foo Budget Cuts

Don’t Drink Foo Foo Drinks, Don’t be Fooled by Foo Foo Budget Cuts I don’t drink Foo Foo drinks except on rare occasions – there’s plenty of good reasons. One is that they are generally more expensive because they are … Continue reading

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Happy 61st Independence Day Israel!

Happy 61st Independence day Israel! Torch ceremony at Mt. Herzl, photo credit Gil Yohanan at YNET

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A Panda Baby Step Back

A Panda Baby Step Back Hoppe at Panda’s thumb backs off a bit from his case for NCSE’s approach after further analysis and debate, and once again I support his conclusion with the added information. Just as ID should not … Continue reading

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Spring Reigns

Spring Reigns A photo I took after a Spring rain.

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Obama’s Nuclear Energy Limbo

If a cap and a price are imposed on carbon dioxide emissions, [nuclear] plants could be among the biggest economic winners in the vast economic shifts that would be created by greenhouse gas regulations. Continue reading

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Gay Marriage, Swine Flu, and Dissension in the Ranks of Evolution Supporters

Gay Marriage, Swine Flu, and Dissension in the Ranks of Evolution Supporters Gay Marriage Iowa has become the third state to legalize Gay Marriage, and as a supporter of Gay Marriage that’s good news to me. I don’t however see … Continue reading

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Opposing Mosques in America? Updated

What if it Were Happening in America? (updated) There’s a big blogspat going on and as usual Charles Johnson is on the right side of the truth. He’s calling out the neo-nazi backgrounds, associations, and political partnerships between the Euro-Supremacist … Continue reading

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Lillian A picture of my grand-niece.

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How Anti-Vaxxer Madness Leads To Dead Babies

How Anti-Vaxxer Madness Leads To Dead Babies This is horrid, but I recommend that you watch it. The next is anecdotal and from my experience, not a study and not truly empirical evidence of anything: I come from a family … Continue reading

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Lamar Alexander: We Should Mimic the French

Lamar Alexander: We Should Mimic the French Mime jokes aside, Lamar Alexander gets things right in this video even though I disagree with him on some other topics (notably TRACS.)

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