Tag Archives: journalism

Sarah Palin Uncensored

This is clear journalistic malfeasance, and Charlie needs to start wearing his tinfoil hat to interviews so America knows where he is coming from. Continue reading

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Who Owns the Democrats and the Superdelegates?

Whoever does own the delegates, the Denver Police department doesn’t want us to know. According to ABC news their reporter was arrested covering one of the many high dollar meetings and trying to film the donors while they were leaving. Continue reading

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Another Journalist is Clueless; Obamaglam Strikes Again

Newsbusters has video hereĀ of Bob Herbert of the New York times either displaying vast ignorance, or craftily deciding to try to slip one by the audience, follow the link, you decide, then come back. As the Time spread above demonstrates … Continue reading

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Zawahiri Rumor Update: Mehsud Letter Likely Forged

This is an update to the previous story from CBS with rumors of Zawahiri’s injury or death from the July 29th strike in Pakistan. WIth help from Pakistan the document has been examined by experts – the letterhead appears too … Continue reading

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