FEC Complaint to be Entered on Obama Campaign Donations

The RNC will be issuing complaint to the Federal Election Commission regarding Barack Obama’s small contributions. While Obamabots like Peter like to salt the comments here crowing about how Barack Obama is supported by “small donors,” some are really large donors breaking up their vary large contributions into chunks and breaking campaign law in the process, as well as some who are foreign contributors. So Barack’s funded in a large part by bundlers, large donors, and foreign donors.

From The Trail:

The RNC is alleging that the Obama campaign was so hungry for donations it “looked the other way” as contributions piled up from suspicious, and possibly even illegal foreign donors.

“We believe that the American people should know first and foremost if foreign money is pouring into a presidential election,” said RNC Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross.

Cairncross alleged there was mounting evidence of this, and cited a report in the current issue of Newsweek magazine that documents a handful of instances where donors made repeated small donations using fake names, such as “Good Will” and “Doodad Pro.”

The Newsweek report says that earlier this year the Obama campaign returned $33,000 to two Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip who had bought T-shirts in bulk from the campaign’s online store — purchases that count as campaign contributions. The brothers had listed their address as “Ga.,” which the campaign took to mean Georgia rather than Gaza.

More at Reuters; Much more at Newsweek

No surprises there right? He did come from one of the most politically corrupt cities in the country, Chicago, where [select one: King, Boss, Mayor] Daley rules. [ I personally like “King” best because the rule seems to pass from father to son by divine right or something. ]

Anyway there’s been a mounting story on this in the blogosphere, we’ve seen Phone banks for Barack in the West Bank, we’ve seen strange donors and other things. One example is donor “Pro Doodad” who seems to have made 786 separate donations of 25 dollars that adds up to 19,500 bucks. That’s a lot of doodads folks. Once caught on that, the campaign started refunding the money, but apparently hasn’t finished.

There’s more to the complaint than that however, as the complaint will reveal, like donor “Khv Khv” listed many times in the spreadsheet. On top of that we’ve got Obama’s friend to wonder about, as his offices were raided by the FBI.

Then there is the ACORN connection:

PREVIOUSLY: Barack Obama, Democrat-Lagos

Update: Note that Drudge Report has articles on this front paged now.

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