Tag Archives: Clinton

This is so sad it’s Hilariously funny: John Stewart on our Oil Dependency

The last 8 presidents and our past attempts… Continue reading

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A Boat on the Reef With a Broken Back

A Boat on the Reef With a Broken Back … And I can see it very well. To follow up on my earlier post about the real story of the collapse of Obama’s mandate and political capital on the reef … Continue reading

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The 2004 Hearings on Fannie and Freddy

In these hearings you see congressional Republicans calling for better oversight and regulation of the two GSE’s, and you see Democrats beating back any regulation.

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The Housing Bubble Link Round up

First you must read Robert Bidinotto’s synopsis here: While Barack Obama was getting campaign contributions from Fannie Mae’s Franklin Raines, John McCain was sounding the alarm about the crisis to come and trying to do something about it. On May … Continue reading

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Who’s the Elitist in this Video? (hint: it’s not Lynn)

Wolf Blitzer interviews Lynn Forester De Rothschild, one of these people is a beltway elitist, can you figure out which it is?

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Hillary Dodges Sarah Palin

Interesting: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by inviting Republican vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, aides to the senator said Tuesday. Several American Jewish … Continue reading

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Barack Obama, Democrat-Lagos?

In an official statement from the Obama campaign they say they will not accept funding from the Nigerian group “Africans for Obama,” which is being investigated by Nigerian authorities. LAGOS, NIGERIA — Nigerian anti-graft police have seized $629,834 raised at … Continue reading

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Campaign Perspective: Is he Ready?

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Who Owns the Democrats and the Superdelegates?

Whoever does own the delegates, the Denver Police department doesn’t want us to know. According to ABC news their reporter was arrested covering one of the many high dollar meetings and trying to film the donors while they were leaving. Continue reading

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Do You Feel the Tingle?

Dean Barnett at The Weekly Standard has a word about Big Bad Bill who’s been absent the media since the convention started. I bring this up because my mom called and asked “Where’s Bill!?”

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