Monthly Archives: October 2010

A Compendium of Crazy – Keith Olbermann on the Tea Party

Normally I wouldn’t post something from Keith since he’s sorta like the left’s Glenn Beck lite in the hyperbole department,  but nobody else has collected all of the craziness from the Tea Party candidates in one spot. Once you watch … Continue reading

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October Moon

Here is this morning’s moon.

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What Juan did Wrong

Juan Williams, purportedly a news analyst, expressed an irrational fear on the Bill O’Reilly show while trying to back up Bill’s Muslim bashing recently on The View. The fact that Juan expressed a fear is not the problem, the fact … Continue reading

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Patio update

We haven’t done more on the patio because the weather’s been cold, and I can’t walk so well with the nail hole in my foot. So the doc has me on antibiotics, and things are getting better. I was able … Continue reading

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Paving the patio

We’ve got all the pavers down and now just have to fill a 2″ stripe between the outer edge pavers and the second row with concrete and something decorative. In the process I stepped on a board with a nail … Continue reading

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Qualia Soup on Atheism

As stated in previous posts, I’m an atheist – I don’t believe in god(s) or the supernatural. Lack of belief is not the same as denying the possible existence of god(s) however, as Qualia Soup explains in the following  excellent … Continue reading

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Autumn Morn

The leaves are changing, and here’s some pictures from this morning’s walk.

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Morning Walk

A gallery from this morning’s walk:

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Kasey Wants to Play

When it’s time to play Kasey is not shy about letting you know — she grabs a toy and comes over and puts her chin on your knee until you get up to chase her up and down stairs and … Continue reading

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The French Propensity for Burnt Coffee

The French are world renowned for their cooking – it was the Gauls who quested hardest for deep savory flavors by cooking things down to their utter essence to create that “umame” flavor. That works for some things like rich … Continue reading

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