Monthly Archives: August 2007

Taliban Murder 10 Afghans

In Afghanistan the Taliban tried an attack on a NATO base, but they are terribly incompetent nowadays. Instead they rained rockets on a civilian neighborhood, murdering 10 Pashtuns. From Daily times: ASDADABAD: Ten civilians were killed when Taliban rebels fired … Continue reading

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Hsu Surrenders in California

Norman Hsu, Democrat “rain-maker” or fund raiser, surrendered to authorities in San Mateo, California today to face grand theft charges. This is the third questionable donor to fall from grace after contributing to Hillary Clinton Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Politics | 5 Comments

Compensate Gitmo Detainees? NO Way says Mahmood

A Baharainian blogger, Mahmood is upset about a proposal to compensate detainees released from Guantanamo. He says it’s tacit support for terror. Story here:  If the parliament really adopts this brainfart it is as if they accept and even condone … Continue reading

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The F-22 Raptor; A Beautiful Thing

The F-22 Raptor is America’s next generation fighter, capable of supercruising to destination and passing supersonic speeds without JATOs afterburners. It’s stealthy, even when armed to the max, as few other aircraft are. In practice matches with up to five … Continue reading

Posted in Science, Technology, The Future | 3 Comments

From Yakima to Mo

My parents just completed another trip with a rented van and trailer — one of many in their lives. Some in vans, some in just cars, it’s a life you get used to in the Military. Traveling at night because … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Shady Donors

I’ve previously reported on two other questionable donors, but the LA Times fails to string those together with the current story, hardly an unintentional oversight as they’ve reported the stories on the other illegal immigrant donors, and donors with questionable business practices. Continue reading

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Al Qaeda Threat

UPDATE: Memri Blog reports that Al Watan states that US intelligence is hunting Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora. He is supposed to be hiding in a “white cave” inside Tora Bora and the current military operations there are to capture him. Continue reading

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How Not to Smuggle Yellowcake

In China there is a long-standing black-market in Uranium, smuggled out of state mines and sold across Asia and the sub-continent. The nuclear Djinn is out of the bottle, never to be placed back inside. It’s only a matter of … Continue reading

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Iraq Reaches Landmark Consensus on Baathists

It’s about time! In a landmark consensus Iraq’s government has agreed to loosen restrictions on ex-Baathists holding government jobs and positions. This has been what’s been needed a while. A few months back I wrote about how the Baathists were … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, The Future | 1 Comment

JeM, LeJ, and SeS Join Al Qaeda

A new report from Pakistan states that the terrorist groups Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar-e-Jangvi and Sipah-e-Sahaba have joined Al Qaida in alignment against the government and people of Pakistan. Keep in mind that most believe JeM to be an umbrella group, with subsidiaries … Continue reading

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