Tag Archives: Politics

Shame on the Netherlands

Shame on the Netherlands

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Morning Update; Gitmo, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and more

Normally I spend the morning surfing news and the web and posting newslinks at Little Green Footballs but Charles’ site is serving a blank once you get below the header ad this morning, so I’ll do my updates here. Here’s … Continue reading

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Voorpost and Vlaams Belang

In past articles (here, here,) I’ve noted how Voorpost is the network glue that knits many European tribal nationalist splinter groups together, and the resounding and repetive theme is identity, culture, blood, and soil. Here you see Filip DeWinter of … Continue reading

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Turn and Face Those Strange Changes…

The real change you can believe in ….

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Spread the Wealth Around (Music Video)

A seriously well produced and well sung send up of the Democrat’s socialistic tendencies. Continue reading

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Code Pink Obama Bundler

Frontpage is reporting that one of Barack Obama’s big bundlers is Jodie Evans, one of the founders of Code Pink. From Frontpage: According to Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen, Evans has bundled “at least $50,000” in donations for Barack Obama’s 2008 … Continue reading

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Obama: Will Raise the Price of Electricity and Other Energy

This is how the liberal philosopher kings in Washington would tax and tailor your behavior. I’ve pointed out in many past articles how people in third world countries starve when energy prices are high, (Here’s just one) and the killing … Continue reading

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Obama’s Greatest Hits

A concise compilation of the things that should raise doubts about an Obama Presidency. H/T Patterico

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Kay Barnes Doesn’t Have a Clue What the Fairness Doctrine is

The fairness doctrine sounds good at first glance, if you broadcast a view by someone, then you should show an opposing view. However in reality it’s an assault on broadcasters who have a constitutional right to express just their view. … Continue reading

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Obama Special

Another in the series of “The One” ads from the McCain Camp: The RNCC also has this ad our on Barack’s Redistributive philosophy:

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