Tag Archives: Israel

Happy 61st Independence Day Israel!

Happy 61st Independence day Israel! Torch ceremony at Mt. Herzl, photo credit Gil Yohanan at YNET

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Israeli Air Force at Auschwitz

Israeli Air Force at Auschwitz Tomorrow is Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance day, here’s a video from 2003 of a ceremony to remember what it was, as well as what will ever be truer. Out of those dark furnaces came … Continue reading

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Aloha Snackbar

Here’s a must see protest video from Mere Rhetoric – in it you will calls for genocide against Israel, direct support for Hamas and Hezbolloh, children dressed as shaheed, and of course many cries of Aloha Snackbar! This in Toronto Canada where Mark Steyn was put on trial for expressing mild disaproval of Islam. Continue reading

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Hamas Uses Ceasefire to Fire Rockets at Israel From Schools

Hamas Uses Ceasefire to Fire Rockets at Israel From Schools IDF Video showing Hamas already moving back into schools to fire rockets at Israel Meanwhile here’s an Al Arabiya reporter who thinks it’s humorous that Hamas just launched rockets at … Continue reading

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Bill Moyers Backpedals the Cycle of Violence

I still believe Bill to be the worst sort of racist, those that profess not to be prejudiced while savaging by word and deed the people they are supposedly not prejudiced against; all the while maintaining a tone of high-brow snooty moral superiority. Stating that you are one of the good people does not make you one. Continue reading

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Obama’s Greatest Hits

A concise compilation of the things that should raise doubts about an Obama Presidency. H/T Patterico

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Obama is Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense

Most Americans would not recognize the acronym “BMD” or understand its meaning, but Ballistic Missile Defense is a keystone to our strategic defense systems as well as thoseĀ of NATO. Russia, China, and a raft of third world thugs and dictators … Continue reading

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Israeli Missile Defense Tests Ongoing

Israel has begun testing it’s new “Iron Dome” missile defense system, this was selected instead of the joint US-Israel Nautilus system which was mothballed after doubts arose. Carl at Israel Matzav has his doubts as well about Iron Dome, preferring … Continue reading

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