Tag Archives: marxism

Turn and Face Those Strange Changes…

The real change you can believe in ….

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Obama’s Socialism

This is a reprise of an article I wrote back in July, at the time I thought I was a bit on the edge for coming out and openly declaring that Barack Obama is a socialist. Time and the facts … Continue reading

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Obama Has had a Long Affection for Marxism

As previous posts here for the past months have pointed out, Social Justice, one of Barack’s favorite terms, are just code words for Marxism. He’s had a long affection for that ideology, as this article outlines well: “To avoid being mistaken … Continue reading

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Obama Calls for Marxist Re-Distribution of Wealth

In this segment from NPR radio Obama is debating the best means to Re-Distribute the wealth of America – he prefers legistlative; but only because the courts would not have a way to administer it. So, when you vote for president, … Continue reading

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Obama’s Marxist Roots

I highly recommend this post at Neocon Latina — it’s the best collection of the known Marxist influences in Barack Obama’s life that I’ve seen. From the post: 3. Then there is the issue of Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall … Continue reading

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