Tag Archives: funding

Code Pink Obama Bundler

Frontpage is reporting that one of Barack Obama’s big bundlers is Jodie Evans, one of the founders of Code Pink. From Frontpage: According to Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen, Evans has bundled “at least $50,000” in donations for Barack Obama’s 2008 … Continue reading

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Friends of Fannie and Freddy

The real impact of all of this will go against the taxpayers, the thrifty, those who have thought of their future and saved. This will impact your pension, your 401K, your life savings. Meantime Jamie Gorelick, Democrat operative, is waltzing away with a cool 26 Million. Continue reading

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Barack Obama, Democrat-Lagos?

In an official statement from the Obama campaign they say they will not accept funding from the Nigerian group “Africans for Obama,” which is being investigated by Nigerian authorities. LAGOS, NIGERIA — Nigerian anti-graft police have seized $629,834 raised at … Continue reading

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