Obama Has had a Long Affection for Marxism

As previous posts here for the past months have pointed out, Social Justice, one of Barack’s favorite terms, are just code words for Marxism. He’s had a long affection for that ideology, as this article outlines well:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully,” the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, “Dreams From My Father.” “The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.” — Barack Obama

LA Times Still Refuses to Release Video

The damning thing about the video is Barack sitting at a table with Khalidi and possibly Ayers…

Much more on this at Little Green Footballs, where Charles Johnson is making the case against the LA Times.

Fred Thompson Says it Best: Why All Americans Should Vote McCain

Fred Thompson boils the key elements of this election down to essential principles so this is a must watch for everyone:

F- For Ayers and Obama’s Education Efforts

 More on this here.

“Chicago’s former schools chief has flunked the education foundation headed by Barack Obama and founded by 1960s terrorist Bill Ayers – saying it failed to monitor projects and funded school ‘reform’ groups that campaigned against boosting academic standards.” — New York Post

“‘F’ For Barack’s School Fix”
By Carl Campanile
New York Post
October 20, 2008

Chicago’s former schools chief has flunked the education foundation headed by Barack Obama and founded by 1960s terrorist Bill Ayers – saying it failed to monitor projects and funded school “reform” groups that campaigned against boosting academic standards.

“There was a total lack of accountability. If you went back and asked, you’d be hard-pressed to find out how the money was spent,” said Paul Vallas, the city’s school superintendent when Obama chaired the Chicago Annenberg Foundation from 1995 to 1999.

Annenberg spent $49.5 million, mostly on grants to 211 public schools that partnered with community-based groups. But despite collecting millions, those schools performed no better than other public schools, a study found.

Ayers, a professor of education at the University of Illinois and an ex-Weather Underground bomber, wrote the grant that won the Windy City funding from the national Annenberg Challenge. He was a key adviser to the Chicago Annenberg board.

While much debate has centered on Obama’s relationship with Ayers, there’s been virtually no discussion about how the Annenberg schools performed.

“Very little of the money found its way directly into the classroom,” Vallas said.

Most frustrating, Vallas said, was that Annenberg under Obama and Ayers funded groups that fought his mission, under Mayor Richard Daley, to impose uniform standards and stricter accountability in low-performing schools.

Many of Vallas’ goals were later adopted by Mayor Bloomberg in Big Apple schools.

“Many of the school-reform groups viewed greater accountability as an infringement of local control. Some opposed ending social promotion and grade retention,” Vallas said.

Iowahawk Lampoons the Creepy Obama Kids Vid

The title says it all, enjoy and see how many of these movies and clips you remember. I did catch the Jerome Bixby Twilight Zone episode in part of it:


H/T LGF Iowahawk: It Takes a Village of the Damned

Barack Obama is Ultra-Liberal

Since Barack Obama changes what he says about a subject based on venue you really can’t judge him by his words — you have to judge him by what he’s done. Since he hasn’t done much that’s on record anyway, you have to go by what we do have on record. We have to judge Barack Obama by his associates and his actions since you can not trust what he says.
When you point out the disparities in his words he’s always got a follow-up like “What I really meant was…” or “They’re lieing”. He says that even when the statement is blatant, and on record. Remember the “bitter clinging” comments? So his associates are beginning to get covered, and his actions are his votes. Looking at his senate votes you could fairly call him the most liberal senator in office. When you compare his actions and associates they match to form a pattern, his highly liberal partisan voting record matches exactly with 20 years in a black liberation theology church with Reverend Wright who thunders out “God-Damn America.”

His friendship and working association with domestic terrorist and Hugo Chavez friend Bill Ayers dovetails consistently with his senate voting record. Being number two on the donations list for Fannie Mae dovetails with his inaction on reforming Fannie and Freddy. Remember that the warning letter that Barack Obama brings up is just words, he changes what his words mean constantly, like a chameleon racing across a parquette floor – words are what you say to get elected, and after you’re elected you can say “what I really meant was….”

The 2004 Hearings on Fannie and Freddy

In these hearings you see congressional Republicans calling for better oversight and regulation of the two GSE’s, and you see Democrats beating back any regulation.

Energy and Jobs

As long as energy is expensive and less abundant we will be harming our ability to compete on the world market, and decreasing jobs at most local levels. It’s a steady static downward spiral that we cannot afford to stay in.
One party has blocked new sources of energy steadily for thirty years, and during that time we’ve seen steady offshoring jobs and decreasing expectations in America. It’s time to put a stop to that, it’s time to build America anew. But ignoring reality will not gain us any relief.

There are new technologies for solar, wind, and geothermal that show a great deal of promise, but they are not ready today and cannot do the job. We must continue to use coal over the next thirty years, and we must find ways to make it cleaner while doing so. We must expand our use of nuclear energy as well to fill the gap of burgeoning energy needs.
Remember when energy prices go up, so too do food prices. While that’s a discomfort here in the US, in many countries it’s the difference between having flour or soy protein for a meal, or eating grass or foraging in the woods for food daily in poor countries. We must make energy abundant for our children and grandchildren, as well as relieve this dire pressure for the rest of the world, but we must first immediately increase our energy production capabilities across the board in our own country if we are to maintain the ability to solve the future energy problems. 50-70 Petawatthours of electricity will be needed by 2050, and we are in the 12-15 petwatthour range now. That’s a huge task and challenge, and it will take Americans working together and using an “all of the above” approach to solve.

The other impact to jobs of importing so much energy is that it’s money we send offshore – if we send the money offshore, it’s not here anymore working in our economy, which also leads to fewer jobs. The wealth of the future lies in energy creation, and it’s about time that the US started leading that new wave energy sources as we have all others. Here you see John McCain speaking in Ohio on the extreme import of extending the energy base we have now to create jobs and security while building the path to our energy future.

This topic might seem a bit dry, but it’s actually critically important to our future, especially now in this time of economic downturn. Please give it your attention.