Tag Archives: FRAUD

Lord Monckton and Snake Oil

Indeed, the only time Fraud Monckton ran for house of Lords he received zero votes. Continue reading

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Obama’s Greatest Hits

A concise compilation of the things that should raise doubts about an Obama Presidency. H/T Patterico

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How Obama Supports Acorn

Senator Obama has worked hand in glove with ACORN, the group under investigation for voter fraud in many states, for many years. You won’t find our press reporting these connections, so if you want the true facts on Barack Obama … Continue reading

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McClatchey Tries to Cover Barney Frank’s Fannie

Loan officers didn’t care, they got commission good or bad. Underwriters across the country were browbeaten until they learned to hold their nose and look the other way. In the meantime to keep up banks were sending out people with cameras to take pictures of huge sums of money laid out bill by bill on kitchen floors because there were “cultural differences” and some cultures didn’t trust banks Continue reading

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Barack’s Acorn

Didn’t fall far from the tree. UPDATE: Youtube has pulled the ad, I’ve found it at Liveleak and reposted:   You can also play the ad from the Campaign Website here. Here’s the original Youtube link, now down if you … Continue reading

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Obama Campaign Pays Acorn Group To Get Out the Vote

ACORN, who bills themselves as “Non Partisan” is under investigation in up to ten states for possible voter fraud. The authorities are finding things like the Dallas Cheerleaders lineup signed up to vote in states they don’t reside in, and … Continue reading

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Acorn Nevada Raided for Voter Fraud

The group that’s one of Barack Obama’s best friends, Acorn, had one of their offices raided in Nevada today, more from AP: Nevada state authorities are raiding the Las Vegas headquarters of an organization that works to get low-income people … Continue reading

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