Tag Archives: Netherlands

Shame on the Netherlands

Shame on the Netherlands

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Faux Fitna Sites Propagate

After Network  Solutions suspended Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilder’s Fitnathemovie.com site the swirl of controversy has created a flock of imitators hoping to cash in or opportunistically leverage the sudden interest. (Yes, you could even call this article opportunistic, but I … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Freedom, Journalism | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Sound and the Fury II

The Sound and the Fury II Being an entirely random depository of evidence, findings, musings, observations, questions, & notes from my study of Vlaams Belang. This is the ugly part of journalism – raw notes and research, cut and pasted here. I wanted you … Continue reading

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Nightly Rioting Continues in Amsterdam

The youths who are rioting in Amsterdam have done so the past four nights, usually burning one or two cars per night near the police station where one of their “gang” members was killed. Bilal Bajaka was shot to death … Continue reading

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Terrorism Links to Youth Riots in the Netherlands

While the general press in Amsterdam are characterizing the latest spate of riots in Amsterdam as perpetrated by “criminals”, “youths”, and “youth gangs”, there’s more to it than that. While those statements are true, nonetheless the youths are mostly Morroccan, and … Continue reading

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