Obama is Just an Ordinary Politician

Now that people are actually paying attention to who and what Obama is the glamour is fading, and the press cannot maintain it anymore. Underneath it all he’s just another ordinary politician. Ordinary in that he’s willing to lie to achieve power, ally with any ugly cause as long as it advances him, and then later throw it overboard (as you saw in the previous article here.)
In other words the Obama myth is just as fake as those styrofoam columns he used in Denver. If he’s willing to lie about every little thing just to get elected, what’s he going to lie about in office if elected?

FEC Complaint to be Entered on Obama Campaign Donations

While Obamabots like Peter like to salt the comments here crowing about how Barack Obama is supported by “small donors,” some are really large donors breaking up their vary large contributions into chunks and breaking campaign law in the process,

The RNC will be issuing complaint to the Federal Election Commission regarding Barack Obama’s small contributions. While Obamabots like Peter like to salt the comments here crowing about how Barack Obama is supported by “small donors,” some are really large donors breaking up their vary large contributions into chunks and breaking campaign law in the process, as well as some who are foreign contributors. So Barack’s funded in a large part by bundlers, large donors, and foreign donors.

From The Trail:

The RNC is alleging that the Obama campaign was so hungry for donations it “looked the other way” as contributions piled up from suspicious, and possibly even illegal foreign donors.

“We believe that the American people should know first and foremost if foreign money is pouring into a presidential election,” said RNC Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross.

Cairncross alleged there was mounting evidence of this, and cited a report in the current issue of Newsweek magazine that documents a handful of instances where donors made repeated small donations using fake names, such as “Good Will” and “Doodad Pro.”

The Newsweek report says that earlier this year the Obama campaign returned $33,000 to two Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip who had bought T-shirts in bulk from the campaign’s online store — purchases that count as campaign contributions. The brothers had listed their address as “Ga.,” which the campaign took to mean Georgia rather than Gaza.

More at Reuters; Much more at Newsweek

No surprises there right? He did come from one of the most politically corrupt cities in the country, Chicago, where [select one: King, Boss, Mayor] Daley rules. [ I personally like “King” best because the rule seems to pass from father to son by divine right or something. ]

Anyway there’s been a mounting story on this in the blogosphere, we’ve seen Phone banks for Barack in the West Bank, we’ve seen strange donors and other things. One example is donor “Pro Doodad” who seems to have made 786 separate donations of 25 dollars that adds up to 19,500 bucks. That’s a lot of doodads folks. Once caught on that, the campaign started refunding the money, but apparently hasn’t finished.

There’s more to the complaint than that however, as the complaint will reveal, like donor “Khv Khv” listed many times in the spreadsheet. On top of that we’ve got Obama’s friend to wonder about, as his offices were raided by the FBI.

Then there is the ACORN connection:

PREVIOUSLY: Barack Obama, Democrat-Lagos

Update: Note that Drudge Report has articles on this front paged now.

Bill Ayers Weather Underground, Not Just Anti-War

In the wake of the Barack Obama association with Bill Ayers and friends, Zombie pointed out something that many people in the mainstream press conveniently forget or forgive — the Weather Underground wasn’t just anti-war. Instead like ANSWER, WCW, and UFPJ they were, and remain radical communists bent on revolution.

Bill Ayers 2001 While Still Serving With Obama on Woods Fund Board

In the wake of the Barack Obama association with Bill Ayers and friends, Zombie pointed out something that many people in the mainstream press conveniently forget or forgive — the Weather Underground wasn’t just anti-war. Instead like ANSWER, WCW, and UFPJ they were, and remain radical communists bent on revolution. Many of their activities occurred after the US had already pulled out of Viet Nam, Zombie recalls a few:

May 18, 1973 – The bombing of the 103rd Police Precinct in New York. WUO states this is in response to the killing of 10-year-old black youth Clifford Glover by police.

September 28, 1973 – The ITT headquarters in New York and Rome, Italy are bombed. WUO states this is in response to ITT’s alleged role in the Chilean coup earlier that month. [NYT, 9/28/73]

March 6, 1974 – Bombing of the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare offices in San Francisco. WUO states this is to protest alleged sterilization of poor women. In the accompanying communiqué, the Women’s Brigade argues for “the need for women to take control of daycare, healthcare, birth control and other aspects of women’s daily lives.”

May 31, 1974 – The Office of the California Attorney General is bombed. WUO states this is in response to the killing of six members of the Symbionese Liberation Army.

July, 1974 – The WUO releases the book Prairie Fire, in which they indicate the need for a unified Communist Party. They encourage the creation of study groups to discuss their ideology, and continue to stress the need for violent acts. The book also admits WUO responsibility of several actions from previous years. The Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC) arises from the teachings in this book and is organized by many former WUO members.

September 11, 1974 – Bombing of Anaconda Corporation (part of the Rockefeller Corporation). WUO states this is in retribution for Anaconda’s alleged involvement in the Chilean coup the previous year.

June 16, 1975 – Weathermen bomb a Banco de Ponce (a Puerto Rican bank) in New York, WUO states this is in solidarity with striking Puerto Rican cement workers.


Meanwhile the AP is calling Sarah Palin racist for mentioning this long time associate of Barack Obama’s. Notice that the article fails to mention the Chicago Annenberg Challenge that Barack and Bill worked on together, or the education panel that Michelle Obama asked Bill and Barry both to speak at, or the glowing book review Barrack gave Bill’s book.

NO, they were just acquaintances according to AP, and if you bring this up then you must be racist. The Press is taking Barack Obama from Post-Racial to Most-Racial candidate whether he wants to go there or not. More at LGF

Oh, and for the leftists who think I”m going over the top by calling Ayers a communist, here’s his blog read for yourself, he’s not taking pains to hide it.

h/t Intrepid for the “Post-racial to most-racial” line.

Obama Friend’s Office Raided by FBI

Apparently Walsh is not just an Obama supporter, but also a poker buddy.

A lobbyist friend of Senator Barack Obama’s office was raided by the FBI, they raided Larry Walsh’s office, and that of his Chief of Staff, Matt Ryan. Story at Washington Times:

Mr. Walsh, who served in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2005, was endorsed by Mr. Obama in his county executive election bid. With the support of some of Mr. Obama’s U.S. Senate volunteers, he easily defeated incumbent Republican Joseph Mikan.

Will County auditor Steve Weber confirmed that his office had been asked by the FBI to assist in an investigation, but he did not elaborate on the specifics.

Apparently Walsh is not just an Obama supporter, but also a poker buddy.

UPDATE: ARTICLE no longer loading. Checking. Now Fixed

I have a Bracelet Too….

What an utter slime .. “I have a bracelet too.” Then he had to look at his wrist to remember the name, and it was probably given him by a Cindy Sheehan camp follower.

 Also note that Obama has been using this bracelet at Rallies since last Fenruary, the fact that he still can’t remember the soldier’s name without looking tells you a lot. See Here. [h/t to leftist commentor Peter who encouraged me to dig this up.]

Update: Family doesn’t want Barack bringing bracelet up
UPDATE: Now on Front Page at LGF
UPDATE: Ed at Hot Air wants more confirmation on the familie’s stance, I agree.
Another debate follow up:  Henry Kissinger has already chimed in and said that Obama mischaracterized his statements during the debate.
UPDATE: Ryan Jopek’s Mother supports Obama’s statement during the debate, however she had previously requested he not use it for the campaign or in speeches.

The Debate: Thanos’ read

First McCain did come off the best in this debate. Both candidates scored important points and talked to their base, however throughout the debate McCain talked to the middle as well and managed to score with all of America again and again.

He scored great points with his tough talk on economics and cutting spending while Obama lost points by talking about all new programs and his unwillingness to cut any.

McCain definitely won on energy. While Obama was interested in gotchas and history, McCain put forth a solid plan that will work.

McCain was a tour d’force on foreign policy, and outshone Obama by miles there.

At a couple of points you could see Barack put up his hands like he wanted to call a time out when McCain was using Barack’s own statements to illustrate his points. Yes, america gets it that you said that Barack, and then you changed your stance after a lot of coaching. It was crystal clear in the debate.

Now we all know there were bigger zingers, harder slams, and tougher things that John could have said, but there are reasons he did not. He is carefully courting the Reagan Democrats and we need them to win. If he goes to polar in the initial debate he loses them from the get go.

He couldn’t go to town with Acorn, Dodd, Raines, Frank, Countrywide, and Johnson the way he could have, and he can’t until we get through the crisis d’jour. He didn’t bring up that they burnt Barack in effigy in the streets of Pakistan after his comments on Pakistan, although he could have.

He didn’t drive home the fact that Al Qaeda is “reconstituted” in Pakistan because we kicked their ass in Iraq and they had to flee there.

He didn’t bring up that we really are at the crux of winning three wars in Iraq: the first against Sadaam, the second against Al Qaeda, and the third against the Badr brigades assisted by the Revolutionary Guard of Iran. Few have said that, but it’s the truth.

He didnt’ bring up that the average american farm is Rich in Barack’s book, he didn’t bring up that the average Home run business is rich in Barack’s books. That’s a must do next debate.

Again the real slings and arrows have not yet flown against Barack Obama, they are held in reserve. That’s a good thing.

Also note that McCain is winning in both the Drudge Report and AoL polls immediately following the debates by an almost 70 / 30 split.

Patriotic Acts: Taxes!

I nearly busted a gut watching this, but it was a sad kinda laughter since people really don’t get how taxes on others always trickle down…. Obama and Biden’s “tax cuts” will give to a small sector while stealing much much more from everyone by allowing repeal of the Bush Tax cuts.

Just a reminder from Lawhawk — the Democrats think taxes are patriotic for you, but not for Charlie Rangel. The Democrats in control are crass cowards who took time to block investigation into Rangel’s tax issues, but who are recessing before taking on the financial crisis created by thirty years of their policies that steadily weakened the home loan mechanisms in this country. The Democrats always go overboard if they figure they can have taxpayers pick up the tab that results from their destruction of US institutions. When it’s time to face the music, they run away – in the words of Senator Harry Reid:

“no one knows what to do”

Big Government Casts a Big Shadow

The latest McCain-Palin advertisements, Is Raines next to go under the bus?:



More on this from Ed at Hot Air and at Jammie Wearing Fool