Tag Archives: president

Joe Biden: Trump Put The Country In A Terrible Spot By Failing To Act

Stephen Colbert with an extended interview with Joe Biden, presumptive democrat nominee for president. The horrific corona virus response is covered, and Joe covers plans to tackle the pandemic when he gets in office.

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Obama: The Fail Part II, Nothing

Obama: The Fail Part II, Nothing I’ve been among those saying that there’s plenty to slam our President on without making stuff up as some kookspiracist bloggers are prone to do, and you don’t need to wish him to fail. … Continue reading

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Thanks for the Warning Joe

In this clip you see what Joe Biden actually said in that meeting with donors where he warned about a Barack Obama presidency. Obama explained it as a “rhetorical flourish”, and the media’s not playing it so this is a … Continue reading

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The Debate: Thanos’ read

First McCain did come off the best in this debate. Both candidates scored important points and talked to their base, however throughout the debate McCain talked to the middle as well and managed to score with all of America again … Continue reading

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Newt Gingrich Grills MSM Reporter Over Sarah Palin

This is really must see TV — watch about 2:30 into this interview when the reporter brings up the experience question. The list and litany of things Sarah Palin has done that Obama has not could go on a long, … Continue reading

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Biden Voted Against the Trans Alaska Pipeline

Sarah Palin is very eloquent and convincing in this argument against the Obama/Biden energy plan, please watch the entire interview — she covers a host of salient points. Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

The place this is most evident is in their ongoing war against Pakistan; with Musharraf gone and the fighting still going and reinforced by the most recent Al Zawahiri tape, it’s evident that the war isn’t against the US. It’s a war to achieve temporal power for the Neo-takfirist extremists who compose these groups. Continue reading

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Campaign Perspective: Is he Ready?

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“Ask Not What You Can Do For Social Justice…”

The Newest McCain Ad in the “Not Ready to Lead” series, in this one you wonder if Obama will change and invert the famous John F Kennedy quote to “Ask not what you can do for social justice, ask instead what social justice will do to you…” Continue reading

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