Patriotic Acts: Taxes!

I nearly busted a gut watching this, but it was a sad kinda laughter since people really don’t get how taxes on others always trickle down…. Obama and Biden’s “tax cuts” will give to a small sector while stealing much much more from everyone by allowing repeal of the Bush Tax cuts.

Just a reminder from Lawhawk — the Democrats think taxes are patriotic for you, but not for Charlie Rangel. The Democrats in control are crass cowards who took time to block investigation into Rangel’s tax issues, but who are recessing before taking on the financial crisis created by thirty years of their policies that steadily weakened the home loan mechanisms in this country. The Democrats always go overboard if they figure they can have taxpayers pick up the tab that results from their destruction of US institutions. When it’s time to face the music, they run away – in the words of Senator Harry Reid:

“no one knows what to do”

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One Response to Patriotic Acts: Taxes!

  1. wildbegger says:

    |Hocus Pocus–Obama is going to let Bush’s tax cuts expire then give everyone a tax cut. Cute!!!

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