Tag Archives: barry

Bill Ayers Weather Underground, Not Just Anti-War

In the wake of the Barack Obama association with Bill Ayers and friends, Zombie pointed out something that many people in the mainstream press conveniently forget or forgive — the Weather Underground wasn’t just anti-war. Instead like ANSWER, WCW, and UFPJ they were, and remain radical communists bent on revolution. Continue reading

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Patriotic Acts: Taxes!

I nearly busted a gut watching this, but it was a sad kinda laughter since people really don’t get how taxes on others always trickle down…. Obama and Biden’s “tax cuts” will give to a small sector while stealing much much … Continue reading

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Obama Tried to Delay Troop Draw Downs Until Post Election

In a fully politically motivated move in July Barack Obama used his trip to Iraq to try extending the negotiations and troop draw downs in Iraq according to Amer Taheri. Full Story at New York Post: According to Iraqi Foreign … Continue reading

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