Tag Archives: debate

Cap and Tax Under Hot Debate

Cap and Tax Under Hot Debate Update: The bill passed 219-212 The Waxman-Markey Cap and Tax bill is under hot debate on the house floor right now, the bill will introduce a huge hidden energy tax to middle class americans, … Continue reading

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Senator Obama I am Not President Bush

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Tonight’s Lucid Moon

Tonight’s moon, more lucid than the debate.

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The Debate

This one’s hard to read, I can tell you where John should have zinged Barack a bit harder, but anyone can see those. As a political junkie I have to say that I don’t know how this will fly with … Continue reading

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Three Ring Alaskan Political Circus; Weasel-Eyed Joe

Since it’s Saturday it’s time for some Political Humor with the following two videos: Then there was the humorous send up of what Weasel-Eyed Joe might say in the debate, I got tied up at work and missed this one:

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Biden Lied

The title says it all, fourteen times, here’s one of the more egregious whoppers debunked on Tape: h/t LGF also see “Biden’s Lies, the short list“. Also note this from Michael Totten, who is also somewhat expert on the area: In … Continue reading

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Energy Debate

Rod Adams covers the energy segment of the Presidential debate at Atomic Insights, please stop by  for a read.

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I have a Bracelet Too….

What an utter slime .. “I have a bracelet too.” Then he had to look at his wrist to remember the name, and it was probably given him by a Cindy Sheehan camp follower.  Also note that Obama has been … Continue reading

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The Debate: Thanos’ read

First McCain did come off the best in this debate. Both candidates scored important points and talked to their base, however throughout the debate McCain talked to the middle as well and managed to score with all of America again … Continue reading

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