Daily Archives: May 30, 2007

The Clinton-Boxer Pakistani Connection

But by 2004, Jinnah had positioned himself as a point man who could help the Democratic Party tap the increasingly affluent Pakistani American community for campaign funds. He and his family personally contributed $122,000 to Democratic candidates and organisations that year and held events for Ms Clinton and Ms Boxer at his home.
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Taliban Attacks Minister; Warnings to Sherpao

In a sign of their desperation, Al Qaida and the Taliban are taking a page from the book of the failed Maoist/Communist revolution in Nepal; they are kidnapping children to train as Jihadis. 

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A Lizard a Day

Keeps the KOS away! (Hic Sunt Dracones  – click on the thumbnail.)

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Orcas Island Veterans Graves Desecration UPDATE

When someone desecrates veteran’s graves and burns flags, replacing them with swastikas, you know that “peace” movement leftists must be around. In the previous update I speculated about Code Pink, and guess what I found on the San Juan Islander web … Continue reading

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