Daily Archives: May 17, 2007

Afghan – Pakistan Border Fighting Heats up

If there’s one more thing that can go wrong or bad in Pakistan, I don’t know what it would be. There is also evidence that Iran might be involved in the border clashes, implementing another division of Hez’Allah Shias in Pakistan to destabilize yet another Islamic government, as they have previously in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Palestine (witness the Fatah-Hamas civil war in Palestine.) They want every other state in chaos around them.
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China Continues Reasearch on Carrier and Cruiser Killer Missiles

China continues research into “Carrier Killer” missiles, and they are reported to be equipping Dongfeng missiles with infrared seeker technology Continue reading

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Free Burma, Free Suu Kyi

The White House again called for Aung San Suu Kyi’s release by the Military and Communist aligned government of Myanmar (aka Burma) today. Aung San Suu Kyi has spent 11 years out of the past 18 in detention after winning the democratic leadership of Burma in free elections. Continue reading

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Iraqi Murals

Utilitarian Walls don’t have to be ugly, witness these murals on the T-Rail walls near Baghdad’s Abu Nawas Fish-market.

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British Foreign Office Deals with the Devil Again

The Bristish foreign office is again appealing to a radical Cleric aligned with Al Qaida, and wanted in Jordan for the release of a BBC reporter. If they didn’t learn from their last dealing with the devil, Abu Qatada, then I question their sanity. Continue reading

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Fort Dix Six Update

A man charged with helping five men plot a terrorist attack on Fort Dix will not be freed on bail, a judge ruled Thursday. Continue reading

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