Daily Archives: May 19, 2007

The Charger of the Carbon Offset Brigade

Yes Greenies it’s absolutely true, my car is made to eat your carbon offsets.

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Mango Knife Fight

I was all set to write a long post about why the different energy lobbies need to stop attacking each other since ultimately we will need all possible sources of energy in the coming years, however in between thinking it … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging | 4 Comments

Kites Above Kabul

“The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini, a best seller that tells the history of Afghanistan through the Taliban’s takeover, is now being made into a hollywood movie. Now that the Taliban are gone, Kites and the kite-fighters now run the … Continue reading

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AFP Speak

France use dto be about liberty, equality, and brotherhood, but AFP has decided that they need to rewrite the lexicon. Over the years the Taliban have graduated in their eyes: from Terrorist fundamentalists to Extremists, to Militants, and finally this headline hails them as “Rebels”. Continue reading

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Armed Forces Day 2007

Today is a day of honor for all branches of the US Military: the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy. Please take some time to salute and remember all of their victories, past and present because we owe all of our freedoms to them first and foremost. Go here to find the heros from your state. Continue reading

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Tax Increase and Deficit Spending

Lost in the furor over the immigration bill that has yet to come to vote, the Democrat controlled congress quietly passed a budget bill late Thursday night that repeals tax reductions Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

In NWFP the Taliban threatens Christians with expulsion if they don’t convert to Islam. This is likely just the start to Christian Persecution — as the Taliban brings Jihad in-country they will need non-muslims to attack to justify their evil call to Jihad. Continue reading

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