Daily Archives: May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Poem

As a warm up to Memorial day, here’s a poem and some leatherwork from my father, who I thank once again for his military service. Thanks on this day as well to his brother, my uncle Johnny who did not board … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging, Freedom | 1 Comment

41 Iraqi’s Freed From Al Qaeda Torture Camp

I have an open question for the leaders of Islamic countries everywhere: How can you allow Al Qaida to continue with this? They are responsible for the deaths, torture, and displacement of tens of thousands of Muslims across the world, and these aren’t Americans in the pictures of their torture manuals. Continue reading

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When it’s Springtime in Alaska

The livestyle of the villagers is odd contrast in modern times: they live in conditions worse for health than sub-Saharan Africans, Chitrali Villagers, or South American river indians right here in America. Does the NYT worry about that, or the poverty and conditions in the other locales? Continue reading

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