Daily Archives: May 3, 2007

Yesterday’s Media

Yesterday’s media was much different than today’s, it wasn’t just criers and scrolls, speeches and plays as you will see below. Art and design has always been part of media: whether represented in a news-logo swoosh on Fox, a semiotic designed button on a blog, or a … Continue reading

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Congratulations Nola Ochs

Nola Ochs from Hays, Kansas just set a world record — at 95 years old Nola has become the oldest student to graduate, and it’s now in the record books. The story is at MSNBC, but I’d like to point … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Journalism | 1 Comment

Al Baghdadi *Not* dead, Waiting on Confirmation for Al Masri Death

Everyone is treading lightly on the reports of Al Masri’s death, but it appears that Iraqi Television is stating that Al Baghdadi is dead. Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

In Parachinar the class and sectarian warfare has settled quite a bit, and a peace accord has been reached through a Jirga, let us watch a bit and hope that holds. The curfew has been lifted, story at Dawn. In … Continue reading

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