Daily Archives: May 26, 2007

Blogger Sued for Reporting on Terrorism

Atlas has a story up about Bill Warner being sued for reporting on potential links to terrorism, from Atlas: If the Muslims get away with this “test case”, it will shut us all down. The intrepid blogger and PI (and … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom, Journalism | 2 Comments

Travel Warning for Pakistan

The United States Embassy has warned its citizens to defer travel to Pakistan because of recent information indicating terrorists may be plotting attacks on Western interest in the country. Continue reading

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Gathering of Eagles

 Please stop by “This Ain’t Hell but You Can See it From Here“ for a pictorial of the Gathering of Eagles for Memorial day in Washington D.C. [Thanks and hat tip to Little Green Footballs.]

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New GOP Bloggers Presidential Poll

The new GOP Bloggers presidential poll is out, I’ve got it parked below the fold because I am lazy today and didn’t feel like debugging their code for xhtml strict. Hit the “read more” link to vote.

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Myanmar Junta Jails Suu Kyi Another Year

I find it interesting that while the left has an affection for murderous Che Guevara with face plastered everywhere on their clothing and bags, none of them know who Aung San Suu Kyi is. Continue reading

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