Daily Archives: May 23, 2007

3 Naval Strike Groups in Gulf, 17,000 Marines

The USS Stennis and other ships sailed through the Strait of Hormuz unannouced today, putting the largest fleet of US Naval strike forces in the Gulf of Oman since 2003. The USS Nimitz (CVN 68), the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) and the USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) are side by side in the photo, each is the flagship of a different naval strike group. The force includes landing ships carrying 17,000 Marines. Continue reading

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Laura Bush Asks China To Join Hands for Human Rights Reforms in Burma

First Lady Laura Bush has asked for China to join the US in calling for human rights reform in Burma. The military junta that took power in the 90’s by coup is holding Aung San Suu Kyi and as many … Continue reading

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Fort Dix Six Update

Newly breaking reports indicate that one of the suspects in the Fort Dix Terrorism case had applied for police positions in two different cities. This could indicate attempts by the jihadis to infiltrate police departments Continue reading

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Osama Bin Laden Wanted Base in Iraq: New Intel

What the analysis misses is that if this were released prior to the Anbar and Iraq salvation councils forming and the Anbar awakening, that tide easily could have shifted the other direction. It’s extremely dangerous to our strategy to constantly have to show our hand or telegraph our timetables because loons in Congress want to posture Continue reading

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