Daily Archives: May 13, 2007

Brownback Fumbles While Speaking to Cheeseheads

Senator Brownback from Kansas, presidential primary candidate and aspirant to Ronald Reagan’s shoes fumbled a football analogy today while speaking in Wisconsin. Continue reading

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Mullah Dadullah Dead

The folks at Reuters are really going to miss this guy’s late night phone calls, but both Pakistan and Afghanistan are much better off without the miscreant. Voice of America reports that Mullah Dadullah is now dead, Continue reading

Posted in Freedom | 1 Comment

Mao Misfigured in Memory of Tianamen

Today a “vandal” threw a flaming object at the giant portrait of Mao on Tianamen square, and the authorities cleared the commons. It was no accident that this happened on May 13th, anniversary of the start of of the student hunger strike there in 1989. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom | 1 Comment