Daily Archives: May 15, 2007

Mullah Dadullah’s Last Video: Terrorist Cells in US and Britain

Brian Ross at ABC reports on the video Mullah Dadullah made just 36 hours before his death regarding the training of terrorist cells in both the US and Britain Continue reading

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Hekmatyar Says Osama Bin Laden is Alive

In a video broadcast on Al Arabiya television Hekmatyar, the butcher of Kabul, (responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of muslims from rockets during the attack on Rabbani’s government in Kabul) states that Osama Bin Laden still lives, he’s just keeping a low-profile. Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

The violence in Pakistan grows, and the opposition parties have now named the MQM shootings in the Karachi demonstrations “The May Massacre”. This, along with Musharaaf’s suspension of the chief justice, and his handling of the Jamia Hafsa affair is usurping the … Continue reading

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