Daily Archives: June 22, 2007

Mosque in Pakistan Offers Million Dollar Bounty for Rushdie’s Head

Mohabbat Khan Mosque has announced a bounty of one million dollars for the head of Salman Rushdie, the mosque’s Imam Maulana Yousaf Qureshi told Daily Times on Friday. “We have made three announcements: that Rushdie’s killing is obligatory (that he is Wajibul Qatal), that Mohabbat Khan Mosque will reward his killer with one million dollars, and that we are awarding the enemy of the infidels, Osama Bin Laden, the title of Amirul Momineen after Britain awarded Rushdie the title of Sir,” Continue reading

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Three German Terrorists Arrested in Pakistan

Are these graduates from the Dadullah Taliban suicide bomber graduation tape? From the Daily Times: Authorities in Pakistan have arrested three Germans for suspected links to Islamist extremist groups, police in Germany said Friday. Two of the Germans were converts … Continue reading

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Lal Masjid Kidnaps Chinese Nationals

In their latest bid to provoke the government into attacking them and creating at flashpoint for extremists, Lal Masjid has kidnapped five Chinese Nationals Continue reading

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Guiliani Poll Extract

The ABC News/Washington Post Poll offers some insight as to why the Mayor maintains a lead in public opinion polling. Continue reading

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Newt’s Two Americas

Like Edwards, Newt Gingrich sees two Americas — however I like Newt’s divisor much more than the Breck Girl’s.

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