Daily Archives: June 25, 2007

Zawahiri Backs Hamas

In the “you know who the terrorists are” category — you know you are a terrorist when Al Qaeda supports you.

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The Supremes Release a New Hit

This should be number one with a bullet in no time, as the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that Free Speech overides limits on money in politics. Hurrah! Someone gets Free Speech right! Speech about candidates, issues, … Continue reading

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Christopher Hitchens Exposes Pakiwood

It’s the Rage Boy back again, as Christopher Hitchens exposes the Pakiwood productions of MMA and other extremist parties in Pakistan. You’ve seen articles here in the past explaining that the majority of Pakistan is somewhat moderate compared to the yo-yo’s in the Taliban-sympathizing MMA, but Christopher has been there and I have not Continue reading

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The Taliban’s Latest Recruit

While we hear of every “short of mark” for our military’s recruitment months, we never hear of how the Taliban are doing in meeting their recruiting numbers. Early this year the now-deceased Mullah Dadullah was promising “Tens of thousands of … Continue reading

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Lee Kaplan’s Internet Stalker

This is a sad tale of internet stalking and defamy, please stop by LGF for the story, or hit Lee’s site here. Continue reading

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