Daily Archives: June 28, 2007

Taliban Release Deminers

The Taliban released the 18 kidnapped deminers, but kept the dogs (probably for death since dogs are considered unclean) and the equipment they use. This effectively disables them in doing their worthy task of clearing mines that kill Afghani children until their equipment can be replaced. Continue reading

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Brownback Voted for it…

You know the rest  — before he voted against it. Should he be running for President? Methinks not.

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Space War Power

Taylor Dinerman has an article that’s recommended reading here. An Excerpt: As long as we live in a world without an all-out major war, the most dangerous form of space power is non-military. The mullahs of Iran and, before them, … Continue reading

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Taliban Recruiting Drive Continues

No commentary needed here, story from the Frontier Post: One of three boys kidnapped by Taliban earlier in the week has been slaughtered, alleges a district chief in the southern Kandahar province. Of the abducted teenaged trio, two youngsters were … Continue reading

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China and Pakistan

The Editorial in the Daily times tonight is well worth reading, covering as it does the government of Pakistan’s failure to reign in the extremists in the Mosque. Is Musharraf running Pakistan, or is it Abdul Aziz and Ghazi?

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Shamnesty Bill Dies

Ding Dong The Bill is dead! The Bill is dead! Ding Dong the Wicked Bill is dead.

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