Daily Archives: June 26, 2007

Little Green Footballs Down

Another Hamster must have passed away, you can find some of the regulars here. UPDATE: LGF is back up now. 9:44 pm central

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Interview With Prachandra

In this video, you can see Prachandra of the Maoist Party of Nepal squirm a bit as he fields some hardball questions from the interviewer. The uneasy balance between the Royalists, the popular movement represented by the seven parties, and … Continue reading

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Radicalism is Destroying Islam?

In two recent articles (here and here,) Ian Wendt examines radical islamism, and counsels that we must not drive the average, non-violent, muslim towards radicalism. A true statement to a point.  The world of radical islamism is much more complex than that … Continue reading

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