Daily Archives: June 15, 2007

What’s Crossing?

With most Hamas actions there is an overt, and a covert component. The last couple of days we’ve seen the brutality of HAMAS, and that’s the overt action. What’s happening behind the scenes, and why do they want to control … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Friends

A bit more research on Rehman “Ray” Jinnah reveals that he was chair of the Pakistani American Link Committee, and they have a few friends in congress besides Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. Rehman returned to America to face his indictment for illegal campaign contributions a couple of weeks back, and interestingly enough, not a peep’s been heard in the press since. Continue reading

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PKK Attack After Ceasefire

PKK terrorists attacked in Turkey today, killing two soldiers. It’s not surprising that they would break the just declared “cease-fire” since terrorist groups by definition have neither honor nor discipline, and can’t taken for their word.

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