Daily Archives: June 9, 2007

Pakistan Update

Nobody can deny there is some freedom of the press in Pakistan, in tonight’s Daily Times you see a scathing editorial by Benazir Bhutto that directly criticizes Musharraf which originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal.  The editorial is well … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Journalism, Politics | 2 Comments

Su Su Nway Freed in Burma (Myanmar)

The Military Junta released Freedom advocate Su Su Nway, after holding her nearly a month. Su Su Nway led a prayer vigil for Suu Kyi, the lawful leader of Burma who’s been held prisoner one way or another for 11 … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom | 1 Comment

Musharraf Rescinds Media Blackout Laws

President Musharraf of Pakistan has rescinded the law that allows PEMRA to close and confiscate broadcaster stations after meeting with media leaders. He extracted from them a promise to come up with a code of ethics for broadcasters in three … Continue reading

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The Clinton-Pelosi Immigrant Problem Update

I’ve detailed the connections of the Clintons and Pelosi to immigrant and foreign national donors in disreputable business. One is under indictment for illegal campaign contributions, the other has a lot of questions coming his way from law enforcement agencies. The mainstream press isn’t carrying this at all, but it’s starting to get some buzz. Continue reading

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Starving Wolves

Matt Dupee at Afgha.com has an excellent article on the dissolution of Hezb-i-Islami, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s terrorist group. Well worth the read in that it is more fuel to the theory that the Jihad is running out of gas. Other examples … Continue reading

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