Daily Archives: June 23, 2007

Taliban Kidnap Deminers

Deminers are courageous folks who do the dangerous work of clearing the many minefields left by the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and they are doing good work since it’s a rare month when you don’t read of a child or civilian killed by the left-over mines. Continue reading

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Chinese Nationals Released by Ghazi

In Pakistan Abdul Rashid Ghazi of the Lal Masjid madrassa has released the 9 Chinese nationals taken hostage for fourteen hours Continue reading

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Taliban Child Abuse

Please stop by Weasel Zippers to read about the latest Taliban atrocity.

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Aryan Nation Child Abuse

The Palestinians aren’t the only ones who teach their children hate, in this chilling video expose by Tyra Banks you see that the Aryan nation is just as evil and just as active in calling for the death of all … Continue reading

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1,500 Taliban Killed

It appears that the fabled offensive of the Taliban is once more finding the going extremely tough as the Afghan government reports the following stats since March: 1,554 Taleban and Al Qaeda killed 530 Terrorists captured 23 Would-be Suicide bombers … Continue reading

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Tomorrow I will be trying to fix the problem with the UTF8 DB collation change, as well as upgrading to latest patch, so things might go wonky here again. Keep your fingers crossed.

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