Daily Archives: June 1, 2007

The Tale of an Iraqi Hero

Musahem Al Jabouri, a police officer only four months on the job thwarted the attack of an Al Qaeda truck bomber, intent on breaking terrorists out of a jail. He ran out from the compound as the truck approach and shot the driver but died in the explosion. Continue reading

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Judge Refuses to Toss Wiretap Evidence in Padilla Case

Expect the ACLU to go ballistic – today a United States District Court Judge hearing the Padilla case refused to toss out wiretap evidence as requested by the defense. WTG Marcia Cooke! Continue reading

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Taliban Target Schools

The Taliban cannot stand against soldiers or real men, so instead they attack women and schoolgirls. They burn the schools, they throw acid in the faces of girls walking to school, and they kill teachers. Continue reading

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