Tag Archives: Politics


McCain has spoken about the financial crisis at length, in a couple of places I do disagree with him. Much of the fault here does lie with Congress, and John seems unwilling to assign their portion of blame. Perhaps he’s … Continue reading

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Obama’s Machine

This is one of the harder hitting McCain ads so far, but there’s much more that could be said regarding each of the “callouts” in this video, and many others in Obama’s background.

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Enough is Enough

;”>”Today, he claimed that the Congressional stimulus package was his idea. That’s news to those of us in Congress who supported it. Senator Obama didn’t even show up to vote. Continue reading

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Obama’s Marxist Roots

I highly recommend this post at Neocon Latina — it’s the best collection of the known Marxist influences in Barack Obama’s life that I’ve seen. From the post: 3. Then there is the issue of Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall … Continue reading

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Obama Tried to Delay Troop Draw Downs Until Post Election

In a fully politically motivated move in July Barack Obama used his trip to Iraq to try extending the negotiations and troop draw downs in Iraq according to Amer Taheri. Full Story at New York Post: According to Iraqi Foreign … Continue reading

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Murtha Mouthing Off Against the Marines Backfires: Political Ad

  Moonbat Murtha used Kerry’s tactics to try to convict our Marines before they had been tried. He went before the press and made many outrageous statements without basis in fact, and essentially disproven in the seven cases so far … Continue reading

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Wasilla Public Library on Sarah Palin: No banned books … EVER

On the left they are trying to paint Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as a warmongering end-of-days rabid Christian dominionist, and one of their sallies is to say that she tried to ban books. I happen to know who and … Continue reading

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Some Humor From the Campaign Trail

From John McCain speaking in Chicago last night: “We don’t pay any attention to polls,” when they show him behind, McCain said. “Now we’re up in the polls, 5 points up in Gallup. So those polls are always exactly right … Continue reading

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Obama and Biden Voted for the Bridge to Nowhere Instead of Katrina Aid

Obama and Biden Voted for the Bridge to Nowhere Instead of Katrina Aid Continue reading

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Newt Gingrich Grills MSM Reporter Over Sarah Palin

This is really must see TV — watch about 2:30 into this interview when the reporter brings up the experience question. The list and litany of things Sarah Palin has done that Obama has not could go on a long, … Continue reading

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