Tag Archives: public

On Google Books & The Settlement

On Google Books & The Settlement Not many are aware of the breadth of the Google Books initiative, or the controversies it has created. I became aware of it from reading Vernor Vinge’s “Rainbow’s End“. Here’s Google’s Alexander MacGillivray talking … Continue reading

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The Housing Bubble Link Round up

First you must read Robert Bidinotto’s synopsis here: While Barack Obama was getting campaign contributions from Fannie Mae’s Franklin Raines, John McCain was sounding the alarm about the crisis to come and trying to do something about it. On May … Continue reading

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Wasilla Public Library on Sarah Palin: No banned books … EVER

On the left they are trying to paint Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as a warmongering end-of-days rabid Christian dominionist, and one of their sallies is to say that she tried to ban books. I happen to know who and … Continue reading

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