Tag Archives: Economy

Obama: The Fail Part II, Nothing

Obama: The Fail Part II, Nothing I’ve been among those saying that there’s plenty to slam our President on without making stuff up as some kookspiracist bloggers are prone to do, and you don’t need to wish him to fail. … Continue reading

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Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail

Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail Domestic Even being kind and peering through rose-colored glasses won’t give the appearance that President Obama has succeeded in his major policy initiatives – especially when you look at real data from his first … Continue reading

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Virgin CEO Branson Fully Favors Nuclear Energy

Virgin CEO Branson Fully Favors Nuclear Energy Richard is somewhat halting in public speaking but what he says here is very pertinent and right on the money. This is exactly in synch with what oil economy specialists say, especially in … Continue reading

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Pelosi Pimps National Energy Tax and Iowa Congressman Braley in Des Moines

That’s how it started off, a plan like the Europeans… but since then it’s turned into a patronage scam of perks and pork as Rep. Henry Waxman trades credits to states whose votes he needs to pass the bill. It’s a monstrosity that we don’t need while the economy is recovering. Continue reading

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Obama’s Nuclear Energy Limbo

If a cap and a price are imposed on carbon dioxide emissions, [nuclear] plants could be among the biggest economic winners in the vast economic shifts that would be created by greenhouse gas regulations. Continue reading

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Lamar Alexander: We Should Mimic the French

Lamar Alexander: We Should Mimic the French Mime jokes aside, Lamar Alexander gets things right in this video even though I disagree with him on some other topics (notably TRACS.)

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Milton Friedman on Greed

At times like this when the “best and the brightest” have made huge mistakes, and government controls and intervention are shown to be useless, it’s good to remember the prime things that drive economies: key among them is self interest, or as some would have it, Greed. Continue reading

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Just the Shot in the Arm the Economy Needs

Barack Obama again on why your electricity bill must raise…. to paraphrase him ” uh… if you can convince enough people of that, then…”  I have a freaking bridge to sell you. This isn’t what our economy needs, this isn’t … Continue reading

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Obama’s Budget is a Giveaway Grab Bag; You Don’t Know What Will Come Out of It

We’ve already seen how Barack manages large programs, under the Annenberg Challenge with Bill Ayers he gave away a total of 150 million to gaggle of community activist groups to improve schools. Some of those groups were radical, but putting … Continue reading

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Who Can you Trust on the Economy?

American issues project has a new ad out that pretty much sums things up, here you go: For more on this go here:

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