Tag Archives: christian

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions Continue reading

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O’Reilly: Atheists are Picking on Baby Jesus Again!

O’Reilly: Atheists are Picking on Baby Jesus Again! Disclaimer: I”m an atheist, I celebrate the heck out of Christmas, and I can support science as well – it’s the best of all worlds. I entreat you to enjoy the season, … Continue reading

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Wasilla Public Library on Sarah Palin: No banned books … EVER

On the left they are trying to paint Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as a warmongering end-of-days rabid Christian dominionist, and one of their sallies is to say that she tried to ban books. I happen to know who and … Continue reading

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Obama Gets a Helping Hand on Faith From the MSM

h/t Little Green Footballs. Nice help there George, Nice Lie there Obama: “He has suggested that I am a muslim.”  John McCain never suggested that you were muslim, and has decried the attempts to paint you as one.

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