Barack’s Acorn

Didn’t fall far from the tree.

UPDATE: Youtube has pulled the ad, I’ve found it at Liveleak and reposted:

You can also play the ad from the Campaign Website here.

Here’s the original Youtube link, now down if you click on it:

The Barack truth Squad is out in force, this one’s been pulled down at Youtube per commentor Aknot, he dropped off an article on Acorn and voter fraud in in Florida that’s worth reading however from 970WFLA:

Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark has notified the State Attorney and the Florida Division of Elections that her office has received 35 voter registration applications in the last two weeks from the organization Work for Progress that appear questionable and possibly fraudulent. The handwriting is virtually the same on multiple applications, and some have the same address. Some of the applications have no address or are incomplete in other ways.

One application was turned in incomplete, so elections staff sent a notice to the applicant. However, the voter responded that she has been registered to vote since 1995 and stated that she had not submitted a new registration application.

One of the bigger problems with these massive voter registration fraud efforts is how it shapes the polls and creates a false impression of reality. All pollsters weight their samples by the numbers of voters registered D or R in the states that record party affiliation. If there are 4X the numbers of Democrats registered than Republicans, they are going to sample more Democrats in their poll than Republicans, even if the state is traditionally red. This is skewing the view of the election.

UPDATE: Paul F Villarreal has a new link that works at Youtube here.

Meanwhile Barack’s Campaign is doing all they can to distance him from Acorn, but there is this quote right out of his own mouth:

I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.”

One of the Things that Happened Today to Wall Street

While a lot of people are scratching their heads about what went on today with Wall Street’s plunge, it’s easy to map out. It’s the beancounters at it again. Beancounters are an odd branch species of homo sapiens, they are paid to be conservative and think in worst case scenarios, they are paid to think 18-36 months out, and keep the company on course financially in a journey that’s chunked up in three month segments called quarters.

So what is that strange species up too? This is the first working week of the fourth quarter, and most large corporations across America have their beancounters diligently at work putting the final tweaks to the companie’s 2009 budgets. The credit crunch? Most companies have already prepped and planned for that, and that was the discussion two quarters ago to present. If that’s the case, what could cause such a jagged off-the-cliff stutter in the market like we saw today?

Short selling opening up is definitely part of it, but that’s not all of it.

With Obama leading in the polls, every company in the US now has to factor in the effects of the Obama tax increase into their budgets for the next two years, and the beancounters have to do it because they plan for the worst. The Tax increase won’t happen in first quarter, but by third quarter if he’s elected the tax increase will be there.

The Democrats are Burning Down the House and Wallstreet

We must fix or rollback the securitization provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act or we will simply be back here in ten or fifteen years wailing about another near Trillion dollar bailout. This must stop, neither housing nor credit is a right, and neither banks nor Government Sponsored Agencies like Fannie and Freddie should be required by congress to carry ridicoulously large percentages of SUBPRIME loans. They are called subprime for a reason.

Any candidate for any office who does not make reform of draconian CRA requirements on Fannie and Freddie and banking in general part of their platform should be receiving letters now, and I am including McCain in that.

Obama Campaign Pays Acorn Group To Get Out the Vote

ACORN, who bills themselves as “Non Partisan” is under investigation in up to ten states for possible voter fraud. The authorities are finding things like the Dallas Cheerleaders lineup signed up to vote in states they don’t reside in, and Acorn is pumping tens of thousands of voter registrations into key toss up states. Many of those registrations are bogus and fraudulent.

Now we discover that the Obama Campaign is paying an Acorn group directly for get out the vote efforts, and that they neglected to list that service in their filing. Video from Fox News:

Barack Obama’s Terrorist Friend

The new McCain ad details some but not all of the connections to Bill Ayers, you can read more on them here. Below is the ad:

So the basic bullet points:

  1. Ayers and Obama Worked together on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge
  2. Ayers Chose Obama to disperse millions and millions to radical “community groups”
  3. Ayers and Obama drafted the bylaws together
  4. Obama wrote a glowing book blurb for the cover of one of Ayer’s books
  5. Michelle invited Ayers to participate in a Panel that Obama was speaking on
  6. Obama’s political coming out party in Chicago was in Bill Ayers Living room
  7. Ayers and Obama served on the Woods foundation together as board members
  8. Obama and Ayers dispersed some of the foundation’s money to Reverend Wright’s Black LIberation Theology Church
  9. While they were still serving on the Woods Foundation together Ayers was pictured in Chicago Magazine standing on a US Flag in an article titled “No Regrets.”

Iowahawk Lampoons the Creepy Obama Kids Vid

The title says it all, enjoy and see how many of these movies and clips you remember. I did catch the Jerome Bixby Twilight Zone episode in part of it:


H/T LGF Iowahawk: It Takes a Village of the Damned

Barack Obama is Ultra-Liberal

Since Barack Obama changes what he says about a subject based on venue you really can’t judge him by his words — you have to judge him by what he’s done. Since he hasn’t done much that’s on record anyway, you have to go by what we do have on record. We have to judge Barack Obama by his associates and his actions since you can not trust what he says.
When you point out the disparities in his words he’s always got a follow-up like “What I really meant was…” or “They’re lieing”. He says that even when the statement is blatant, and on record. Remember the “bitter clinging” comments? So his associates are beginning to get covered, and his actions are his votes. Looking at his senate votes you could fairly call him the most liberal senator in office. When you compare his actions and associates they match to form a pattern, his highly liberal partisan voting record matches exactly with 20 years in a black liberation theology church with Reverend Wright who thunders out “God-Damn America.”

His friendship and working association with domestic terrorist and Hugo Chavez friend Bill Ayers dovetails consistently with his senate voting record. Being number two on the donations list for Fannie Mae dovetails with his inaction on reforming Fannie and Freddy. Remember that the warning letter that Barack Obama brings up is just words, he changes what his words mean constantly, like a chameleon racing across a parquette floor – words are what you say to get elected, and after you’re elected you can say “what I really meant was….”

The Debate

This one’s hard to read, I can tell you where John should have zinged Barack a bit harder, but anyone can see those. As a political junkie I have to say that I don’t know how this will fly with non-political people. Trying to be objective, I would say that of the two John McCain probably inspired more confidence, and came off less petulant even though he was attacking the whole time. So I think that worked, but we will have to wait to see what the poll that counts reads – it’s in November.

Notes to Barack:
At one point I thought I heard you say that we could have intervened in the holocaust? (the dog was barking at that point, I’ll read the transcript to make sure and correct if mistaken,) I think we did intervene, it was called WWII.
UPDATE: I did hear correctly, from the transcript:

OBAMA: Well, we may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake.

If we could have intervened effectively in the Holocaust, who among us would say that we had a moral obligation not to go in?

Seems Barack forgot that we stopped Nazi Germany. Maybe they didn’t cover that in the elite academy he went to in Hawaii.

Your invade to attack Bin Laden in Pakistan statements might make good sound bites, however they are undermining our policy in Afghanistan. The people of Pakistan burnt you in the streets of Karachi the first time you brought it up, and since then political pressure has steadily soared. The predator raids that were ignored aren’t ignored anymore and every blog and newspaper speaks out against the US much more often than they used to. Even the pro Musharraf camp is now speaking out against us, and the PPP who compose the new gov’t are steadily falling in favor and are being undermined by your constant threats. You are not making it easy on them, but AQ, TTP, LeJ, LeT, HuJI, TNSM, JeM and the others are making agit-prop hay out of every statement on Pakistan you make. (and I doubt that Obama knows of even half of those groups.)

UPDATE: In retrospect it’s easy to see that Barack Obama was correct on Pakistan, and both John McCain and I were wrong for partisan reasons.

Acorn Nevada Raided for Voter Fraud

The group that’s one of Barack Obama’s best friends, Acorn, had one of their offices raided in Nevada today, more from AP:

Nevada state authorities are raiding the Las Vegas headquarters of an organization that works to get low-income people to vote.

A Nevada secretary of state’s office spokesman said Tuesday that investigators are looking for evidence of voter fraud at the office of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, also called ACORN.

More at Jammie Wearing Fool

Obama’s Bill Ayers Connection Ties it all Together

Bill Ayers is an avowed revolutionary communist, heavily tied to World Can’t Wait and Hugo Chavez. Bill got the Annenberg Charitable foundation to grant millions to his projects in radicalism and he chose Barack Obama as chairman to disperse those funds  — very little of the money went to any schools directly. So Barack had a working relationship with Bill Ayers that covered seven years at CAC, and more at Woods Fund. Here’s the truth made plain in a CNN report.

Bill Ayers and friends are admitted revolutionarys bent on overturn of our government and our constitution. If anyone cares to challenge that, I’ll just point you to his blog and other places. You can read for yourself. Here’s more on the facts: