Tag Archives: billion

Government Motors

Government Motors GM? Today they get their final lifeline… 30 billion more in Taxpayer dollars, but still bankrupt: But the officials said Sunday they would try to steer clear of getting involved in the automaker’s day-to-day operations, though the government … Continue reading

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Automakers Get 17.4 Billion of Our Money

I’m a confirmed, committed capitalist but the bailout of Detroit is not capitalism at all — it’s corporate socialism, or you could call it Union Welfare as well. This is sickening beyond belief so I will reprint the new Chrysler/GM/Ford ad, Continue reading

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Washington Changed Dennis Moore

Nick Jordan points out Dennis Moore’s culpability in the current fiscal crisis, and for the bailout package:

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The Democrats are Burning Down the House and Wallstreet

We must fix or rollback the securitization provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act or we will simply be back here in ten or fifteen years wailing about another near Trillion dollar bailout. This must stop, neither housing nor credit is a … Continue reading

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