The Debate

This one’s hard to read, I can tell you where John should have zinged Barack a bit harder, but anyone can see those. As a political junkie I have to say that I don’t know how this will fly with non-political people. Trying to be objective, I would say that of the two John McCain probably inspired more confidence, and came off less petulant even though he was attacking the whole time. So I think that worked, but we will have to wait to see what the poll that counts reads – it’s in November.

Notes to Barack:
At one point I thought I heard you say that we could have intervened in the holocaust? (the dog was barking at that point, I’ll read the transcript to make sure and correct if mistaken,) I think we did intervene, it was called WWII.
UPDATE: I did hear correctly, from the transcript:

OBAMA: Well, we may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake.

If we could have intervened effectively in the Holocaust, who among us would say that we had a moral obligation not to go in?

Seems Barack forgot that we stopped Nazi Germany. Maybe they didn’t cover that in the elite academy he went to in Hawaii.

Your invade to attack Bin Laden in Pakistan statements might make good sound bites, however they are undermining our policy in Afghanistan. The people of Pakistan burnt you in the streets of Karachi the first time you brought it up, and since then political pressure has steadily soared. The predator raids that were ignored aren’t ignored anymore and every blog and newspaper speaks out against the US much more often than they used to. Even the pro Musharraf camp is now speaking out against us, and the PPP who compose the new gov’t are steadily falling in favor and are being undermined by your constant threats. You are not making it easy on them, but AQ, TTP, LeJ, LeT, HuJI, TNSM, JeM and the others are making agit-prop hay out of every statement on Pakistan you make. (and I doubt that Obama knows of even half of those groups.)

UPDATE: In retrospect it’s easy to see that Barack Obama was correct on Pakistan, and both John McCain and I were wrong for partisan reasons.

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2 Responses to The Debate

  1. wildbegger says:

    When Obama stated “I never profited from Fannie Mae.” I turned
    off the TV. Perhaps a $40,000 contribution to his campaign
    is not considered a profit where he comes from…

  2. wildbegger says:

    The Nazis had the Holocaust so well hidden that it wasn’t found out until the war was almost over. Also, the camps were deep
    within Germany and Poland and too far to execute a sucessful rescue attempt by the allies. How would Obama intervened?
    By voting “present” ???

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