Obama’s Bill Ayers Connection Ties it all Together

Bill Ayers is an avowed revolutionary communist, heavily tied to World Can’t Wait and Hugo Chavez. Bill got the Annenberg Charitable foundation to grant millions to his projects in radicalism and he chose Barack Obama as chairman to disperse those funds  — very little of the money went to any schools directly. So Barack had a working relationship with Bill Ayers that covered seven years at CAC, and more at Woods Fund. Here’s the truth made plain in a CNN report.

Bill Ayers and friends are admitted revolutionarys bent on overturn of our government and our constitution. If anyone cares to challenge that, I’ll just point you to his blog and other places. You can read for yourself. Here’s more on the facts:

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One Response to Obama’s Bill Ayers Connection Ties it all Together

  1. Howard says:

    First Obama claims that over a TWENTY YEAR period, he never heard a single anti-American racist sermon from Jeremiah Wright … never noticed the anti-American racist literature in the church’s lobby … never agreed to the ‘Black Values System’ that all the church members swore to … never subscribed to the Marxist ‘Black Separation Theology’ espoused on the church’s website … never knew anti-American racist Louis Farrakhan, who the church awarded a life time achievement award to … and, never knew unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, when Obama launched his campaign from Ayer’s living room, sat on a board together, and whose wives worked at the same law firm http://www.prolifeblogs.com/articles/archives/2008/10/devastating_vid.php
    . Obama also worked with Acorn, who has been caught in massive voter fraud, in behalf of Obama. Obama obviously shares an anti-American racist, and criminal philosophy with some very unsavory people, continues to lie about it, and does not have the character, or integrity to be President of the United States of America !!!

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