Daily Archives: October 28, 2008

Obama Has had a Long Affection for Marxism

As previous posts here for the past months have pointed out, Social Justice, one of Barack’s favorite terms, are just code words for Marxism. He’s had a long affection for that ideology, as this article outlines well: “To avoid being mistaken … Continue reading

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LA Times Still Refuses to Release Video

The damning thing about the video is Barack sitting at a table with Khalidi and possibly Ayers… Much more on this at Little Green Footballs, where Charles Johnson is making the case against the LA Times.

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Barack Obama 1995: Reverend Wright Represents the Best that the Black Church has to Offer

This was 13 years before Barack conveniently condemned Wright and left his church. Black liberation theology is part of Barack’s identity, and like all identity movements based on race, tribe, or religion there is a large dose of hate for the “other”. Continue reading

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