Barack Obama is Ultra-Liberal

Since Barack Obama changes what he says about a subject based on venue you really can’t judge him by his words — you have to judge him by what he’s done. Since he hasn’t done much that’s on record anyway, you have to go by what we do have on record. We have to judge Barack Obama by his associates and his actions since you can not trust what he says.
When you point out the disparities in his words he’s always got a follow-up like “What I really meant was…” or “They’re lieing”. He says that even when the statement is blatant, and on record. Remember the “bitter clinging” comments? So his associates are beginning to get covered, and his actions are his votes. Looking at his senate votes you could fairly call him the most liberal senator in office. When you compare his actions and associates they match to form a pattern, his highly liberal partisan voting record matches exactly with 20 years in a black liberation theology church with Reverend Wright who thunders out “God-Damn America.”

His friendship and working association with domestic terrorist and Hugo Chavez friend Bill Ayers dovetails consistently with his senate voting record. Being number two on the donations list for Fannie Mae dovetails with his inaction on reforming Fannie and Freddy. Remember that the warning letter that Barack Obama brings up is just words, he changes what his words mean constantly, like a chameleon racing across a parquette floor – words are what you say to get elected, and after you’re elected you can say “what I really meant was….”

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