Tag Archives: Terrorism

Pakistan Raids Lashkar e Toiba Camp

Just breaking, Pakistan has raided a Lashkar e Toiba camp, who are believed by most world intelligence agencies to be responsible for the Mumbai terror attacks. This comes just in the wake of Secretary of State Rice stating unequivocably on Wolf … Continue reading

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US to UN Soon: Hamid Gul is a Terrorist

As a followup to yesterday’s story on Hamid Gul, Bill Roggio has made some queries and has a solid report up at The Long War Journal. Well worth your your time to read.

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US asks UN to Declare Hamid Gul a Terrorist

The US is asking the UN to declare Hamid Gul and three other ex-ISI terrorists, this according to the International Times. Since Hamid Gul himself is a known liar, (see this interview two weeks after 9/11,) I wouldn’t put it … Continue reading

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Mumbai Terror Attack Roundup

There are several foci within Mumbai for this attack. Right now it appears that a number of terrorists (at least 20, [the number of actual attackers was later found to be 10, but with some reports of escapees) with varying numbers … Continue reading

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Iran Receives Praise For Terror Aid to Al Qaeda: Zawahiri Letter

In an intercepted letter to Iran, Ayman Al Zawahiri praises Iran for their aid in setting up the terror cells in Yemen responsible for the recent US Embassy attacks there. In the past both Al Qaeda and the Taliban have … Continue reading

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Senior Al Qaeda Leader Targetted in Bannu Missile Strike

Reports from Bill Roggio and AFP both say we might have gotten another member of Al Qaeda’s Shura council. A good way to go into the Thanksgiving holidays.
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Barack Obama’s Terrorist Friend

The new McCain ad details some but not all of the connections to Bill Ayers, you can read more on them here. Below is the ad: So the basic bullet points: Ayers and Obama Worked together on the Chicago Annenberg … Continue reading

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Obama’s Bill Ayers Connection Ties it all Together

Bill Ayers is an avowed revolutionary communist, heavily tied to World Can’t Wait and Hugo Chavez. Bill got the Annenberg Charitable foundation to grant millions to his projects in radicalism and he chose Barack Obama as chairman to disperse those … Continue reading

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Another Haqqani Madrassah Hit

Another predator missile attack occurred at the main Haqqani madrassa in Pakistan today, the previous is detailed here. This appears to be a new strategy, with strikes coming non stop and that should keep the leaders moving. Since Pakistan suspended … Continue reading

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Two Jihadis Dead in Philippines Terrorist Attack

In the Philippines 17 soldiers were wounded and two terrorists died in fighting after Moro Islamic Liberation Front (affiliated with Al Qaeda) attacked two outposts in the town of Tipo Tipo on Basilan Island. The military states that Abu Sayyaf … Continue reading

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