Daily Archives: October 13, 2008

Even More Acorn Voter Fraud

Here’s even more Acorn voter fraud, from CNN: Curt at Flopping Aces has more on the rumors of a possible RICO indictment coming down tomorrow.

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Kasey’s a Good Catcher

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Who Can you Trust on the Economy?

American issues project has a new ad out that pretty much sums things up, here you go: For more on this go here:

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Barack Obama and William Ayers: Monumental Failure

Bill Ayers and Barack Obama also spoke at at educational forum together, and they were invited by Michelle Obama to participate. Barack Obama gave an endorsement blurb on Bill Ayers education book, and their key initiatives together on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge were all in the education sector. Are these the sort of people Barack will look to for shaping the education policy in America if he’s elected? Continue reading

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