1,500 Taliban Killed

daddullah-damned-2.jpgIt appears that the fabled offensive of the Taliban is once more finding the going extremely tough as the Afghan government reports the following stats since March:

  • 1,554 Taleban and Al Qaeda killed
  • 530 Terrorists captured
  • 23 Would-be Suicide bombers captured
  • 700 Taleban wounded

Comparing this to last year it appears that the Jihad is dying out, pun intended.

h/t Ornery Elephant

From Khaleej Times:

KABUL – Security forces killed over 1,500 insurgents across Afghanistan since March and hundreds more were captured including two-dozen would-be suicide bombers, the government said on Saturday.
The interior ministry said in a statement the figures were a ”good achievement”.
It said Afghan soldiers and their foreign counterparts had killed 1,554 insurgents in about 80 anti-Taleban operations across Afghanistan since March. About 530 militants, including 23 would-be suicide bombers, were captured, it said. Among them were 34 foreign nationals believed to be from Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda terror network, which supports the insurgency. More than 700 rebels were wounded during and scores of weapons seized, it said.

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