Tag Archives: oil

This is so sad it’s Hilariously funny: John Stewart on our Oil Dependency

The last 8 presidents and our past attempts… Continue reading

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Environmental Disaster

Here are a series of time lapse photos that show the growth and extent of the Gulf oil lead from NASA satellites Terra and Aqua Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Interview

The claptrap going around the left right now is that Sarah Palin doesn’t interview, which is completely wrong if you look at the archives of the Anchorage Daily News. Here’s a previous interview she did with PBS. Perhaps if the … Continue reading

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Who Produces the Oil and Who Uses it

There’s an interesting new Chart at Gapminder of who produces, and who uses world oil supplies. Notice the steady slip leftwards from the US from 1972 onwards, when we were at our peak in oil production. Interim that capacity has been … Continue reading

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Biden Voted Against the Trans Alaska Pipeline

Sarah Palin is very eloquent and convincing in this argument against the Obama/Biden energy plan, please watch the entire interview — she covers a host of salient points. Continue reading

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Say What Barack?

This is hilarious. [editor: Well it was hilarious, but now they’ve pulled the air gauge vid. Here’s the latest McCain ad as a poor substitute.]

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McCain Calls on Congress

John McCain is a realist – he has the foresight to look ahead at the nine billion souls who will soon populate this planet, and what they will need. They will need energy in quantities undreamt of, and the only … Continue reading

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Jay Leno on Drilling in ANWR

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Energy is Still the Topic of the Day

While it’s topical now, it won’t be when the pressures let up. The market driven economy will see that they do, for a short period anyway. The pressing need for more energy won’t end soon as demonstrated in article after … Continue reading

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