Monthly Archives: October 2008

Palin Right: Stevens Guilty Verdict

I voted for Ted, but that was long ago. It’s a shame that he became part of the machine in Alaska. The only brightness in this all is that Sarah Palin is vindicated by this verdict, and the Republican party of Alaska has some serious rethinking and soul searching to do. Continue reading

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Obama Calls for Marxist Re-Distribution of Wealth

In this segment from NPR radio Obama is debating the best means to Re-Distribute the wealth of America – he prefers legistlative; but only because the courts would not have a way to administer it. So, when you vote for president, … Continue reading

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Lapses in Judgement

To stand up for “Social Justice” you would think that you would need some judgement…  Of course in Obama’s circles, Social Justice is just a code word for Socialism, as you can hear from Obama in this audio clip from … Continue reading

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Did Someone Say Biscuit?

Kasey wants a dog biscuit…

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Washington Changed Dennis Moore

Nick Jordan points out Dennis Moore’s culpability in the current fiscal crisis, and for the bailout package:

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13 Obama Campaign Workers Caught in Voter Fraud in Ohio

13 votes pulled back, but the state attorney general should be prosecuting these people.

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The Irony of Ayers

Here you see avowed communist Bill Ayers defending his property rights and calling police to stop free inquiry. A communist who calls police to help enforce property rights when he was complicit in trying to bomb police stations is delicious irony.

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Fred Thompson Says it Best: Why All Americans Should Vote McCain

Fred Thompson boils the key elements of this election down to essential principles so this is a must watch for everyone:

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The Barack Market Dip

Back on the ninth I explained how we might be surprised by the current market conditions, but that the beancounters sure weren’t and that they were already factoring in the effects of Barack Obama tax hikes. There’s further validation of … Continue reading

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Thanks for the Warning Joe

In this clip you see what Joe Biden actually said in that meeting with donors where he warned about a Barack Obama presidency. Obama explained it as a “rhetorical flourish”, and the media’s not playing it so this is a … Continue reading

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